Thursday, January 1, 2009

hu hah

i've recently discovered the unit on tv. its like sex in the city for men but also appeals to the fairer sex

for him:

lots of HU HAHing
terrorist killing fun
the t-1000 is the base commander
president david palmer from 24 is the unit leader

for her

wives who cheat because their trained killer husbands are emotionally cut off. funny that.
the nancy boy from Felicity who kills by day and enjoys scrapbooking with his wife at night
a "you go girl" attitude in support of women who are having a rough time

if they could just get jack bower on the show, army recruiters would be out of a job.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, someone just sold the show to me.

Because anything that David Palmer is in (he'll always be President Palmer to me) and trained man assassins who scrapbook sounds just dandy to me.